Friday, April 13, 2012

Trail Journal: 04.13.02

Tarping tonight just north of Standing Indian Shelter after a 12 mile day. Shelter had plenty of space but Red and Gary did not want to spend the night with a troop of Boy Scouts camped nearby. Good walking today under overcast skies but no rain. We're having a shower now but not very hard--well, now it seems to be. I set my tarp up low at the foot end to keep out moisture but the air itself is moist so I expect some dampness. We crossed into NC today and almost immediately the trail became more challenging--a couple of long, steep climbs and much rockier. Lunch at Muskrat Shelter around noon and into Standing Indian about 3:00. In all, a pleasant day, especially after such a lazy day yesterday.

Yesterday at Plumorchard Gap Shelter was a festival of slackness. We had 12 people in the shelter plus five more in tents nearby. Most everyone had come in from a town day in Hiawasse and arrived in the early afternoon We compared notes on our stay. From the sound of it, Blueberry Patch was the best place to stay and the Chinese restaurant was the best food.

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